Lonesome Water

Adventures of a bad Orthodox Christian at at time near the end of the world (apologies to Walker Percy). Working in the media, living in the country, waiting for rain, climbing the fire tower by night, watching for brushfires below and for signs and portents in the skies.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Here we are

The Roy Helton poem pretty much tells the story of me and these mountains.

I'm a public radio producer. No, Larkin Hardy is not my real name. Keeping this anonymous to lessen the odds that the Thought Police will punish me for uttering speech deemed subversive here in the elite media and academia. Although I'm sure they could sniff me out if they put their minds to it.

The Nativity Feast approaches. I think of a poem a friend sent me years ago:

"Christmas at the Tang Court"

change and the changeless being confused
things and nothingness were both destroyed
travelling far there was no arriving
not arriving there was no returning
achievements failing the dark increased
and the dark increasing the tao was lost

the tao lost there was no advance
not advancing all stood still
when things were still heaven approached
the receptive being found receptive
the way of silent spirit was renewed

a star appearing communication was restored
proclaimed by light
one of the triune shaded the brightness of mystery
and being announced from above
was born of a virgin below

--Dom Pierre-Sylvester Houedard, after the text of Dom Ching-Ching, cut by Lu Hsiu-Yen on the Stone of Luminous Religion, erected AD 781.


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